Friday, September 17, 2010

Peak Performance in Sports

In sports, excellence in sport has always been required as a condition of players and coaches at all levels. Both athletes are Olympic sports school boys soccer players or fight for gold medals, always dressed in top performance athletes and coaches alike. In our modern era of sports, sports science, where an increase in the stratospheric level and what are the factors that may cause the application to correct> Sports participants at peak performance in sport? There are no secrets for sporting excellence? When these factors are easily manipulated for the performance of athletes? This article describes the factors that coaches and athletes can lead to athletic performance a.

E 'and has many articles and books detail the principles, programs, success can bring to sport excellence as a. Many authors have written about it long andIn many ways, the principles and factors are universal. The principles of progressive resistance, species, specific targets for training, recovery, etc. are undisputed, the underlying reasons for that sport allows athletes to achieve excellence. This article takes a step forward, exploring the universal factors in a different light. In the process, I hope to give athletes and coaches such as these principles in practice and which factors are associated with greater weight in relation toThe success and excellence in sport.

Basically there are two factors that we need to look. Technical and human factors. Let's take a look at the number of former prime factors;

Technical factors

First Quality Preparation
According to mastering individual skills
Third High pulse fitness
Fourth General Team Play
Fifth Fill the important offices of the team
Minimize errors sixth game

First Quality Preparation

The hard work forEach season begins with the pre-season training, the very intense. No body likes this season, such as work and training that is required is often very tedious and painful. But this must be done for athletes better prepared for the requirements phase of the competition. Strength, force, speed and volume of skills to do. Not only the volume of work, but the quality in the preparation phase is crucial, he said. When players and put shortcuts in trainingat face value, without heart and soul, we will see later in the tournament, such as fatigue, injury, or lack of clarity in their performance. Peak performance in sport is not possible under these circumstances. The quality of early season preparation is even more important in youth sport.

Very often in schools that play sports for many seasons to begin almost immediately if the school year begins. With our children away for a long vacation, our athletesoften return to school for the races with his face very little training time. Teamwork, physical fitness and mental preparation and buildings should be made feasible in 2-3 weeks, a world of sports is almost impossible. This kind of preparation is also detrimental to the development of our children. In these circumstances, coaches and teachers (and parents if possible) a very important responsibility to ensure that our athletes are well prepared for the competition.Training programs for sport to be created and implemented at the end of the year before. Our athletes must understand that their season has begun when the exams are over. start with a training program that can be used as trainers and teachers to educate athletes on vacation and training. Each athlete must have one, and you can do something to improve their playing skills during the break from school. It could be things likeKeep the activities of a certain level of fitness through resistance as cycling, running or swimming, playing catch and pitch to improve the yard with his brothers, or even individuals, certain practices. The main thing is to arrive here and to improve what was accomplished last season, so that the athlete not return to school and start over. Simply planning and training is to provide as good preparation for sports teams to reach theExcellence in sports later.

According to mastering individual skills

In all sports and games, there are some skills that are required as basic e. This must be achieved by the athletes before they can play after a higher level. In basketball, dribbling and proper execution of the lay-up is essential. Throwing, Catching and Fielding skills are a must in baseball and softball. Push the pace and receiving a passport are required skills in ice hockeyBall and soil. The list goes on. Playing in the pre-season training, or as soon as possible, these basic skills should be made known to our young players, and all the effort and time must be spent to address these basic skills. Without these skills, a coach will be very difficult to bring the sports teams more complex interplay of excellence in. If attackers can not even control a long pass to other players as you can a expect the same players keep the ball well at campAppeals against the dismissal of defender running and help pass incoming teammates. It will develop for coaches, these skills and improve early for gamers these capabilities, although they believe they are already good enough example.

Even at the professional level, basic skills for their sport is important for this peak in the sport.'s Repertoire of skills and the intensity of these skills are performed onThe highest levels are even more acute. At the higher levels where the opponents are very evenly match in all sectors, can often cause errors in a gain or loss. And 'more important for professionals in sports or master all the necessary skills of the game. Only under these conditions, intense excellence in sport should be possible.

Third High pulse fitness

At higher levels, many athletes have not reached their maximum physical, not yetNo matter what for their formation. Physiologically considered, the development in this area is very diverse youth. Some children achieve a high fitness level faster than others, while other body, which is used only for training to react better when they are old. can therefore be assumed that a team with the strongest group of players, most will benefit. No matter how skilled you are when your opponent is in better shape than he or she will be able to overcome your lack of fitnessRapid response for your case to overcome short. Let's say you ran a skillful opponent in football. But if you're in better shape than their opponents, who have only trickled out to you, you will be able to return quickly enough to cover the position still further. This board in the gym for young people is very important to tire in the closing stages of the game players tend rapidly at this age. A club fitter will be able to prevail in all cases and later in the game reviewers. Players of this ageMust be convinced of this need for fitness, and should be encouraged to do what they have to achieve a high level of fitness possible.

What about professionals? Undoubtedly, professional athletes are required to possess the highest level of fitness. do not, their opponents will be when, and then overcome them and reach their full performance professional athletes in sports in general know. how to get in great shape, and maintain thatEnd of season. Their physical bodies are best placed to develop to their full potential.

Fourth General Team Play

The next factor is of great importance for achieving excellence in sport is the understanding of the whole team from the players. Ask a coach to tell his charges to the ball on the wing in any game clear invasion. You'll be surprised how many players really understand why he is told to do so. Most of the timeNo, the players are simply doing what is necessary or called by the coach. The understanding behind their actions is often very little. Could not know that the ball on the wing or wings, spreads very defense forces of the enemy further, leaving more space in the center to the attacker at a later date to use. Another advantage is that, statistically, the flanks generally played the ball forward to track back when it was held out. NamelyThis is why you often hear me cry or coach to their costs, "throw down the line." Young players love the direct route to your goal and this is often conducted through the center. What's in tactics taught to the players, coaches must make every effort to explain and ensure that all players understand the tactical significance of their pieces. This form of coaching, when done correctly, makes the players better players and improve their decision on the ground. And wealways looking for other players in the industry thought, which team will give a greater chance of achieving excellence in sport.

Fifth Fill the important offices of the team

The fifth element, which can produce maximum performance in sport is actually the right player to fill key positions most of the first team. In all sports teams, will be key positions, which are first time. The point guard for a basketball team is the driver of the team. hecontrols all played. A center-pivot in hockey, both in defense and attack, so it must be the best and most suitable players and most have hundreds. The baseball catcher is the key man as he dictated, and calls the pitches, and sees the whole situation Fielding. These key positions must be filled first, even if it means that someone Fielding out of position. I use to love having a striker of great talent and strong goals. Unfortunately, I also have a large gap between the posts for upkeep, and he isfor the best football manager in the team. After much persuasion and victims, he eventually converted to a goalkeeper. " Thanks to his selfless gesture, the team did very well the goals are very few scored against us. It was not easy taking this step. But as a coach, but I heard that the doorman is too important to let a player, every Tom, Dick or Harry player, therefore, must be the best. This was the lowest number of silly mistakes our department goal of maintaining and gaveTeam a much better chance of winning games. This brings us to the latest technical factors that influence excellence in sport - make less errors.

Minimize errors sixth game

These days, sport, failure is often decided the outcome of the game. Errors are more abundant in children and young people levels. The fact that children's play is to lower the technical and tactical level is inevitable that mistakes are made. The team that makes the fewestErrors in each game usually lead to their head. And 'mentality that players must be practiced, to make fewer errors, both individually and as a team. If you do not think, to see your next game with a watchful eye as they are goals or points. Most often, you see that one goal started from a mistake of the opponent somewhere. Or make a point or is the result of some players fumble the ball. Do a lot of stupid mistakes will not cause a team to peakSports performance. A team that is good, makes fewer mistakes. provide the bus, make sure you train your players to understand this, and the right things in the game. Show them the evidence by video or live games, and are convinced that the team with the fewest mistakes wins games and in their peak performance.

So far we have discussed major technical factors that sports the team is in your drive for excellence. Coaches andPlayers must ensure that these factors are also examined to ensure that sports teams achieve maximum performance within Otherwise it is a wasted effort and time, no matter how talented are the team, the players are.

Groped to achieve sporting excellence, in the case, human factors are very important. Understanding and managing these factors, and the success and excellence in sport is almost a sure thing. But very often these elements are often the most difficultto achieve. Here we are on the nature of human qualities to excel in different areas, so for them to reach their maximum athletic performance a. Very often, these properties, the basis for all athletic performance in sports. The players and coaches have control of these factors more difficult because it is intangible elements of human nature. It 's easy to improve your pitching skills, but to improve team spirit, has much more to do withonly to practice a skill.

Fortunately, we need only concentrate here on two human factors in order to achieve sporting excellence in.

Human Factors

Before dedication and Players' Commitment
According Teamwork and team spirit

The first factor having committed and dedicated players. This is more than a factor of individual players, but is also the responsibility of the coach to gather as much commitment and dedication of each player. We all know that everyPlayer is different, so we need different strategies to motivate players. For some players simply targeting both team and individual goals is inadequate, perhaps because players are already intrinsically motivated. is for players with low motivation and attitude of a star, perhaps some form of carrot and stick methods are needed to get the best of them. Regardless of the strategies will not comply with the highest commitment and dedication of playersTraining and Match Play is not optimal resulting in poor performance in most sports.

The human factor will sport the second best performance of Teamwork and team spirit. When a team is able to work together to a level where the player is understood as the team needs to achieve maximum potential. Not only will all played well tactically, but the effort to play for any other team will be so high that the level ofSatisfaction and the victim is so great that the team play is improving. The players are ready to run and cover for each other more, and is almost a magical play a factor in the team. Improve team effectiveness. The players will not play for selfish reasons, but for the common goals team. History provides evidence of good for us to see teamwork in action. Very often it was not playing the teams with the highest number of skills competitions, but the teams with the greatest teamSpirit and team work, if players are willing to personal differences aside to play a larger team goal. In Euro 2004, Greece did not play the team with the largest exhibition and skills, but won because the coach could a team apparently no one in a closed unit, who are willing to, it was difficult for any other form.

Training and reached a peak performance in sport is often the dreams and hopes of many coaches and players. At all levels of sport,from high school to professional athletes and their sports coaches all want to reach their people the best performance a. It is an inner desire to succeed, and the best. As the best not only require skills but also technical and human factors to achieve maximum performance in sport can be manipulated to advantage. These factors are important for all sports enthusiasts looking for maximum performance in sports.

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