Friday, December 17, 2010

Wii Sports Resort - Wii Fencing Minigame Review

Like many fencers, I approach any mention of "fencing!" in a game or movie with trepidation. I'm mainly looking at how "they" are going to screw things up and totally misrepresent fencing as a sport.

One of the most featured games in pre-launch was the "fencing" game in Wii Sport Resort. I saw the videos from E3 and the promotional stuff and just had to try it. After my really bad experience with Clone Wars: Jedi Duals, the bar was set pretty low.

The Asian influence is apparent in the game. The Wii menu calls the game "swordfighting" and not "fencing". Score +1 (for not trying to call it something it's not.)

When you set up for the game, you're put on a circular platform above the water (think dimensions of a wrestling mat) and are equipped with your "sword", which resembles a kendo shinai, head guard, and chest guard.

The motions are simple. You hold the Wiimote vertically and swing it to swing your sword. Pulling the trigger (B button) activates blocks so you can move the wiimote to parry oncoming attacks from your opponent. Though the on screen tutorial suggests holding the wiimote with two hands (like you would do in kendo), I used one hand.  (Made it easier to emulate actual sabre fencing techniques than trying to remember any kendo.)

I wanted to see what you could do with the game, so instead of just swinging away and wailing on my opponent, I held back to see what the parry system would be like. The earlier opponents are like your U rated fencers - they wind up and you know exactly where they are going to strike. Parries are executed as traditional sabre guards - 3, 4, and 5 will do just fine.

When you make a successful block, the attacker is "stunned" for a second which gives you the time to make your riposte. As you make successful hits to your opponent, they are driven back until they fall off of the mat, to fall American Gladiators style into the pool below.

My kids (4 and 6) enjoy just having another version of "lightsabre fighting" and wail away at their opponents. I'm enjoying setting up parry-riposte combos and testing out various tactics. (By the way, you can thrust and hit in this game.)

The lack of footwork control is a drawback, but it really does simplify the gameplay. (I would prefer some sort of way to dodge or get out of distance similar to Punch Out.)

Fun Games Unlocked after Duals

The other sword fighting games are a cutting challenge and then "running the gauntlet". Do the cutting challenge once to unlock the 3rd game, where you are the typical kung-fu hero fighting through the horde of bad guys until you reach the "big boss" (who really isn't that great either).

I've only played that game once, but it was a lot of fun having my Mii run across a rope bridge cutting through 20 opponents in just a few seconds!

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