Sunday, June 12, 2011

Free Chess Games

1. e4 e5
2. f4 Bc5
3. Nf3 d6
4. fxe5

This exchange of pawns violates the opening principles of chess in several ways and is not recommended. First it allows the Black Queen to become more mobile. Secondly because Black Bishop on c5 prevents him from castling, White cannot make use of the half open f file. White plans to play c3 and d4; however that means he will have to make an unusual amount of pawn moves. In the opening a player must concentrate on developing pieces, keeping pawn moves to a minimum. This game clearly illustrates the results of these flawed opening moves.

4. ... dxe5
5. c3 Nc6

If Black plays 5 ... Bg4 pining the Knight in order to prevent pawn from moving to d4 White will play Qa4+ to remove the pin.

6. b4

White's purpose in playing the move is unclear. It does not gain a pawn, since after b5, Na5; 8 Nxe5 Qh4+ Black wins the pawn back. Nor does it advance the development of pieces. The result of this move is to entangle the White's pawns on b and c files in a weak position.

6. ... Bb6
7. Bb5 Nf6

Instead of defending his e5 pawn Black threatens White's e4 pawn using his Knight. The position justifies this course of action because advantages of opening the e file will accrue only to him. Black can castle and make use of his Rook to take control of e file before White manages to secure the safety of his King. Normally e4 is supported by White's queen-side Knight, but due the previous moves White no longer has that option.

8. Nxe5

Instead of capturing the e5 pawn, White would have done better to defend the e4 using Qe2 or d3, keeping the e file closed.

8. ... O-O!

This is the start of a superb attack. It doesn't matter whether White chooses to exchange his Knight or his Bishop since this attack will overwhelm him in either case.

9. Nxc6

In case White played 9. Bxc6; moves bxc6; 10 Nxc6. Qe8 wins for Black. 10 d4 will result in loss because Black gains the two pawns after Nxe5; 11 O-O. Nxc3. The speed at which White's weakness at d3 square is exploited is quite remarkable.

9. Nxc6 bxc6
10. Bxc6 Nxe4!!

White cannot capture Black's Knight at e5 or Rook at a8. If he takes the Knight, Qh4+ will lead to a forced mate. If he takes the Rook, Black will follow up with Bf2+ and then either Bg4+ or Ba6+ depending on where the King moves, and White will lose the Queen.

11. d4 Qf6!
12. Bxe4 Qh4+
13. Kd2 Qxe4
14. Qf3 Qh4!
15. g3

If White moves Qxa8 and captures the Rook, he will lose his Queen after Qf2+ and a discovered check from Black's Bishop at c8.

15. ... Qg5+
16. Qe3 Qd5
17. Re1 Bg4
18. Kc2 a5

The costs of premature advances are now clearly discernible.

19. bxa5 Rxa5
20. Ba3 c5

With his Rooks and Bishops operating freely along open files and diagonals, Black destroys White's pawn structure.

21. dxc5 Rxa3
22. Nxa3
If 22. cxb6, Rxa2+; 23. Rxa2, Qxa2+; 24. Kc1, Bf5
22. ... Bxc5

Rest of the moves need no further explanation.

23. Qe5 Bf5+
24. Kb2 Qb7+
25. Kc1 Bxa3+
26. Kd2 Rd8+
27. Ke3 Rd3+
28. Kf2 Qf3+
29. Kg1 Rd2
30. Qb8+ Bf8

White resigns.

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