Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cornhole games Take Two and Call Me in the Morning

Would you believe? Just play a few games of cornhole can prevent the flu - including the swine flu. Well, not a scientific claim is cornhole, but follow us and see why cornhole is healthy.

Many, many studies have shown that reinforce a healthy diet and natural sun our immune system so that the influence, can fight colds and other germy invaders course. A healthy diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, cereals and Governmentmovement of processed foods and fried. Sugar, in particular, is accused of hindering our immune system. And sugar, we mean processes, white, refined sugar is found in cola drinks, chocolate bars, so the natural sugars in fruit good for us.

And the sun is good for us because that is how our body produce vitamin D. Vitamin D and our immune system, strengthens and enables us to avoid or prevent colds and flu, not to mention the attack and kill other germs, our paths to cross.

Youever noticed that if you feel a bit 'blah physically or mentally capable of minutes in the sun you live? Probably also expected to open times. It 'nice to go out, close your eyes, tilt your head back and warm sunshine to bathe the face was for a while.

If you go outside in the sun for a long time if you use sunscreen is to decide for yourself. But for a few minutes of basking sharks produce vitamin under the sun goldnot prevent this process developed by slathering chemicals to block the rays.

So what cornhole and vitamin D have to do to do with each other? Well, unless the freezing, snowy, rainy day when you are not an option for outdoor cornhole cornhole outside in the sun and fresh air helps the body develop immunity, and have fun. Not only will your body produce vitamin D, how to launch three points, but you're still some exercise and fun with friends and family. All thesehelp your body and mind healthy. So, with some outdoor games cornhole friendly, you should have less need for cold and flu medicine, not to mention the people, doctor appointments, where you sit in sick an hour in a room full of others. Hmmm. Cornhole, or doctor's office?

Pass the cornbags, please!

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