Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Playing Expensive Sports

Expensive sports are often regarded as the favorite past times of the rich, a nice way to stay physically fit and to exhibit one's potential sporting skills. In fact, playing of the expensive games often bring about a quiver satisfaction of mind that can be directly associated with the bank balance. Even if you have low skill sets but the heart and a desire to excel, playing a costly sport might often turn out to be beneficial for you. This can be well explained with the example given below.

The performance of a game can be highly influenced by the costly equipments that are used while playing a game. For instance, the opponents dreaded the combination of a polo player and his favorite horse. It was one of the costliest horses of his stable and hence his favorite. Whenever he was on its back he used to hole two balls. In fact, he refused to accept a large sum of money when offered by an opponent as he knew it would be more costly for him on parting with his lucky horse.

It was not that something miracle used to happen whenever he sat on the horse back. His skills remained the same but his way of using them changed as he gained in confidence while riding his costliest horse.

The above excerpt may also be applicable for other expensive sports as well. For many basketball players it can be quite easier to basket a ball on wearing a pair of Nike's Air Jordans worth $200. For a golfer it might be quite easier to complete an Event with a minimum number of shots with the help of $ 2,000 riders. Indeed, the purchase of expensive equipment to play the money for athletes to be studied was a positive impetus to the spirit. Somehow spending helps increase the level of reliability, comfort and skill level to many. Even during the training exercise with expensive sports equipment, the player to pass the skills rather quickly. The degree of diligence in learning the gamealso enhances to a great extent.

The inclination towards spending money on buying expensive sports equipments becomes more profound if the player involves in playing a game which is itself expensive by nature. Some of world's costliest sports include yatch racing worth $1,647,014, race cars worth $1,570,655, polo where cost spent on horses would be around $1,057,265, aerobatic planes costing $398,543 and definitely golf where a single club may cost $341,709.50. The sports even do not care the sum of amount that they spend on not only buying the accessories and equipments but also on maintaining them.

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